How Much Do WordPress Developers Make In The US?

If you’re thinking about a career in web development, being a WordPress developer might come to mind.

It’s a role that sits at the intersection of creativity and technology, letting you build and manage websites on the world’s most popular content management system. If you’re wondering how much money WordPress developers make, you’re at the right place.

The average annual salary for a WordPress developer in the U.S. is $84,542. There’s a significant salary range from as low as $18,500 to as high as $156,500, with variations based on skill, location, and experience.

In this article, we’ll discuss the average annual salary for WordPress developers in the United States, examine the factors affecting earnings, and look at the job market trends.

Whether you’re starting in this field or looking to gauge your earning potential, understanding what influences the paycheck is crucial. Let’s dive in and explore the financial landscape of being a WordPress developer.

Are you ready to see what your skills and experience could be worth? Let’s find out together.

Key Takeaways

  • The average annual salary for a WordPress developer in the U.S. is $84,542.
  • There’s a significant salary range from as low as $18,500 to as high as $156,500, with variations based on skill, location, and experience.
  • Skill levelgeographical location, and years of experience are major factors that influence a WordPress developer’s salary.
  • Despite a less active job market in some areas, such as Cape Town, ZA, there are opportunities for salary growth in the profession.
  • Advancing in your career and improving your skills can greatly increase your chances of earning more as a WordPress developer.

Understanding the Salary Range

When we talk about the money WordPress developers make, it’s important to know there’s a pretty wide salary range.

Imagine some developers making around $18,500 a year, while others earn up to $156,500. That’s a big difference, right? But most WordPress developers will see salaries somewhere between $60,500 and $99,500.

Think of this as the middle ground where many developers land.

The reason the salary can vary so much is due to different factors.

These can be things like how good you are at coding and creating websites, the place you live and work in, and how many years you have been doing this job.

If you’re just starting, you might be closer to the lower end of the range, but there’s a lot of room to grow in this field.

It’s kind of like a video game where you start at level one but can level up and unlock better rewards as you get better at it.

Factors Influencing WordPress Developer Salaries

So, let’s talk about what can make your salary as a WordPress developer go up or down.

  • First off, your skill level really matters. The better you are at making cool and useful websites with WordPress, the more you can earn. It’s like when you get really good at a sport; you can play in bigger, better teams.
  • Where you live, known as the geographical location, also plays a big part. Some places have a high demand for WordPress developers and will pay more money. For example, big cities often have higher pay than smaller towns.
  • Lastly, the years of experience you have can bump up your salary too. Think of it like when you level up in a game – the more experience you have, the more skills you’ve got, and the more valuable you are to a team.

If you stick with it and learn more over time, you could see your earnings rise. It’s all about keeping at it and getting better every day.

Job Market Trends

Now, let’s chat about what’s happening in the job market for WordPress developers. It can be a bit tricky because it’s not the same everywhere.

In some areas, like Cape Town, ZA, there might not be a lot of companies looking for developers right now. This can affect the money you could make because less demand usually means salaries aren’t as high.

But even if some places aren’t hiring a bunch of WordPress developers at the moment, that doesn’t mean there aren’t good chances somewhere else.

The web is always growing, and that means there are usually businesses out there that need someone to help them with their WordPress site.

It’s a bit like fishing – sometimes you need to cast your net in different spots to catch a fish.

Job trends can change, so it’s important to keep an eye on where the opportunities are.

Plus, if you’re open to working remotely, you could work for a company that’s not even in your country, which could mean a better salary for you. It’s all about staying flexible and looking for the next big chance.

Advancement and Pay Increase Potential

If you’re thinking about how you can make more money as a WordPress developer, there’s good news. There are plenty of chances to grow in your career and boost your earnings.

As you get better at making WordPress sites, you might take on bigger projects or even lead a team. This can lead to a higher salary because you’re taking on more responsibility, kind of like a captain of a ship.

Another way to increase what you make is to learn new skills that are in demand. You might want to learn how to make WordPress sites faster, more secure, or better looking.

There are also special skills like knowing how to use e-commerce or SEO that can make you really stand out. Just like in a game where learning new moves can help you beat tougher levels, in your career, learning extra skills can help you earn more.

It’s like keeping your eyes on the prize – always look for ways to be even better at what you do, and keep learning. The more you invest in your skills, the more you can potentially earn in the long run.

Getting certifications or attending workshops can also help. It shows that you’re serious about being the best WordPress developer you can be.

Worldwide Comparison

When we look at how much WordPress developers make in different parts of the world, it’s quite interesting to see the differences.

In the U.S., where the average salary is around $84,542 a year, WordPress developers tend to earn more than in some other places. Now, if we take Cape Town, South Africa, as an example, the salaries there might be lower.

This doesn’t mean that WordPress skills are valued less; it’s often about the cost of living and how the local job market is doing.

Each country has its own economy and demand for tech jobs. In some places, tech is a huge part of the economy, so they offer bigger salaries to attract the best people. In other places, the tech scene might be growing, so while salaries might start lower, there’s a lot of room to grow as the market heats up.

If you can work from anywhere, you could be living in one country with a lower cost of living while working for a company in another country that pays higher wages.

This kind of flexibility is one of the cool things about being a WordPress developer. It means you can find the best balance for you between where you live, who you work for, and how much you earn.


In wrapping up, being a WordPress developer can be a rewarding job with a salary to match the value you bring to the table.

The average salary in the U.S. is quite decent, and there’s room to grow your earnings with skill and experience. Although the job market may have ups and downs, the demand for digital skills like WordPress development is generally on the rise.

And remember, with the ability to work remotely, your options aren’t limited by where you live.

As you improve your skills and gain experience, your value as a developer increases, opening doors to higher-paying opportunities. It’s important to stay on top of the trends, keep learning, and be open to new opportunities, wherever they may be.

Ultimately, the journey of a WordPress developer can be as financially rewarding as it is creatively fulfilling. Are you ready to see where your WordPress skills can take you?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the starting salary for a WordPress developer?

The starting salary can vary, but some WordPress developers might start around the lower end of the salary range, like $18,500 a year. However, this is based on a variety of factors including where you live and how much experience you have.

Can WordPress developers work remotely?

Yes, many WordPress developers have the option to work remotely. This flexibility allows them to choose the best work environment for them, and sometimes work for companies in other countries that might pay higher salaries.

What skills can increase a WordPress developer’s salary?

Skills that can increase your salary include advanced coding, design expertise, e-commerce integration, search engine optimization, and experience with high-traffic websites. Staying up to date with the latest WordPress tools and plugins can also be a big plus.

Is the job market for WordPress developers growing?

The job market for WordPress developers is generally growing because more businesses want to have a strong online presence. Though the market can fluctuate, the trend towards a digital world suggests a steady demand for website development skills.

How can a WordPress developer advance in their career?

To advance in a WordPress development career, keep learning new skills, take on more complex projects, and potentially move into roles that require leadership, like managing a team or becoming a project lead. Building a strong portfolio and gaining certifications can also help.

  • Jan Pretorius

    Meet Jan Pretorius—a dynamic individual whose passion for shaping the digital landscape knows no bounds. With a rich background in web development and an insatiable thirst for exploration, Jan brings a unique blend of technical proficiency, creativity, and worldly inspiration to every project he undertakes. With a 20-year background in web design and web development, Jan is not just your average web developer; he is a visionary who anticipates the trends of the future and meticulously crafts digital experiences that push boundaries. His expertise in coding & WordPress goes beyond mere skill—it is a driving force that fuels his quest for innovation. Jan’s commitment to excellence is evident in every line of code he writes, ensuring that his projects not only meet but exceed the technological demands of the present.

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